Unlock the Potential of Your CEO (Part 1)

Elevate Your Leadership and Communication Strategy

Assuming the role of CEO is not just about managing the company; it's about being the face of a brand, a beacon of trust, and a driver of positive change. In today's dynamic business landscape, the importance of a CEO's communication cannot be overstated. It's not merely a choice; it's a strategic imperative that directly impacts the company's reputation and, consequently, its financial success.

The Challenge: A Reticent CEO

New CEOs may find themselves hesitant in both internal and external communications, posing a potential threat to the company's brand and development. The risk of being out of touch with the evolving expectations of stakeholders is real, and the consequences can be severe.

Navigating Expectations: A Trusted Advisor Approach

The key is to position the CEO as a trusted advisor, showcasing the undeniable impact CEOs have on shaping social developments and fostering trust. According to the latest Trust Barometer, CEOs hold the highest level of trust among respondents (73%), surpassing trust in the economy, media, NGOs, and government.

Opportunities and Advice: Lead, Empower, Engage

  1. Lead the Change: Define a bold vision aligned with social values, making it a central business objective. Address employee fears about automation, digitalization, and globalization by offering training and fostering a sense of purpose.

  2. Empower Employees: Communicate directly with employees, providing fact-based information on challenges and giving them a voice through internal communication channels. Trust in a company's own media channels has been consistently rising.

  3. Start Locally: Contribute to the communities in which the company operates, addressing issues like education, inequality, and infrastructure. Encourage employee volunteerism to build a positive corporate image.

  4. CEO Leadership: CEOs must actively engage with social issues such as diversity and inclusion, demonstrating personal commitment both within and outside the company. Employees expect CEOs to take a stance on critical issues.

CEO Workshops: Unlocking Potential, Driving Change

  1. Innovative Framework: Our workshops provide a control-free space for CEOs to explore new perspectives and reflect on their roles and expectations. Using coaching methods, we guide CEOs in developing innovative approaches to communication.

  2. Reframing Session: Collaborating with communication managers, we challenge assumptions about the CEO, exploring alternative perspectives and envisioning new courses of action.

  3. Communication Management: We redefine the role of communicators as coaches for the CEO, adapting to the evolving communication landscape and expectations.

  4. Path of Small Steps: Through a safety-first workshop, we identify small, manageable steps to encourage the CEO's active involvement in communication. We tailor incentives that align with personal preferences and the desire for impact.

Conclusion: Shaping a Better Business Future

Unlock the full potential of your CEO by transforming them into a proactive communicator and leader. In an era defined by trust, social responsibility, and empowered employees, the role of the CEO extends far beyond the boardroom. It's time to embrace a new era of leadership and communication, driving positive change within and beyond your organization.

Let’s connect:

Ernst Primosch, Managing Partner
Mobil +49 173 5303294


The Imperative of Evolution: Why Brands must constantly adapt to stay relevant with their target audiences (Part 2).